Here is a set of Word macros (tools) for Biotics users and instructions for using and installing them. The macros are:

Comma_Delim_Numbers & Comma_Delim_Text

These macros convert a vertical list of text or numbers, respectively, to a comma-delimited list. (Single quotes are inserted for text.) Your original list must have 1 item per paragraph and CANNOT be a Word table. (If copying from Excel, etc., choose Edit | Paste Special | Unformatted text.) If text is highlighted, the changes are applied only to that text; otherwise the entire document is converted. The resulting list is automatically selected, ready to copy and paste into an IN() statment in a query (for selecting records by a list of (e.g.) ELCodes or IDs).


This macro converts the HTML codes used in Biotics (<i>, <b>, <u>, <br>, <br />) to Word formatting and encoded HTML (&lt;, &gt;, &amp;) to real characters (<, >, &). Replaces 2 consecutive <br> or <br /> with paragraph break + tab. If text is highlighted, the changes are applied only to that text; otherwise the entire document is converted.


This macro converts Word formatting to HTML codes used in Biotics (<i>, <b>, <u>, <br />) and special characters (<, >, &) to HTML codes (&lt;, &gt;, &amp;). A single paragraph break is converted to a single <br />. If text is highlighted, the changes are applied only to that text; otherwise the entire document is converted.


This macro converts selected paragraphs to an HTML bulleted list <ul><li></li></ul>). You must highlight the text first; this macro does not work on the entire document. It doesnt matter if the selected text has Word bullet formatting. In a table, highlight the text but NOT the entire cell.


This macro changes the font color of all text that is in track changes, plus text surrounding deletions (since wont see color of deleted text once changes are accepted). After running this macro, you can accept all changes in the document and still see where the changes were.


  1. Save Biotics_Word_Utilities.bas (attached) to a temporary place that you can access from Word (e.g., c:\temp). CHECK THE FILENAME AFTER YOU SAVE IT. IF IT SAVED AS "Biotics_Word_Utilities.bas.txt", delete the ".txt" so the filename reads "Biotics_Word_Utilities.bas".

  2. In Word, go to Tools | Macro | Visual Basic Editor.

  3. Click on the "Normal" project in the project tree (usually the upper left window). (If you don't see a Project tree, choose View | Project Explorer.)

  4. Expand the "Normal" project and check if there is a Modules folder with "Biotics_Word_Utilities" in it. If there is, you need to remove this old version before importing the new one. Right click on "Biotics_Word_Utilities" and choose "Remove Biotics_Word_Utilities…". When it asks, you can choose to export a backup or not, whatever makes sense for you. (You might check to make sure you didn't add any of your own macros or customizations to this module.)

  5. Choose File | Import File, find and select the Biotics_Word_Utilities.bas file that you saved in step 1, and click Open.

  6. Choose Debug | Compile Normal.

  7. Choose File | Save Normal and close Visual Basic Editor.

To use one of these macros in a Word document (once installed), go to Tools | Macro | Macros, highlight the macro you want, and click Run. You can add frequently used macros to your Quick Access Toolbar.