The following instructions enable you to find SFs with invalid Location Use Class values, export the data to a shapefile, update the shapefile with valid LUC values and then bulk replace the data, resulting in valid LUC values. The query to export the shapefile includes the existing shape, Mapped By and Mapped Date values, so the only thing that changes are the LUC values.
NOTE: This same process can be used to Bulk Replace LUC values in SFs according to those in a working list. To do so. Just save the SFs for which you want to change the LUC to a Working List of record type = Source Feature and skip to step 3.
- Copy the text from the attached query (BX-1453_SFs_With_Invalid_LUC.sql) into Query Builder.
- Save the Results to a Working List of record type = Source Feature.
- Go to the Source Feature Working List page to determine the working list ID of the newly created working list.
- Copy the text from the attached query (BX-1453_ShapefileInvalidLUCs.txt) into Query Builder, replacing xxxx with the working list ID determined in Step 3.
- Save the Results to Shapefile or Geodatabase.
- Unzip the shapefile/geodatabase.
- In ArcMap, edit the values in the LOC_USE class column to include valid LUC values
The easiest way to determine valid LUC values is to view the Details of an EO of the specific element, and choose to Modify Mapping Attributes and review the options within the Location Use Class dropdown. This is easiest done by performing a Feature Search by Working List created in Step 2.
- Zip the shapefile/geodatabase.
- Bulk Replace Source Features using the zipped shapefile.
- Repeat steps 4 - 9 for SF Pre-Points and SF Pre-Lines by replacing source_feature_pre_poly with source_feature_pre_pt in the attached query (BX-1453_ShapefileInvalidLUCs.txt).
- Repeat steps 4 - 9 for SF Pre-Lines by replacing source_feature_pre_poly with source_feature_pre_line in the attached query (BX-1453_ShapefileInvalidLUCs.txt).
This solution was demonstrated as part of the 5.9.2 release webinar, which can be downloaded here.