Users can utilize a kitedrive client to create a folder on their desktop computer that stays in sync with their Accellion (third-party application used for maintaining nightly Biotics 5 backups) workspace.
1. Go to
2. Sign in
3. Expand the collapsed Information & Tracked Activity section on the right.
4. Within the Information & Tracked Activity section, click the link for Apps and plugins.
5. Within the download dialog, click the link for the appropriate Kiteworks for Desktop installation file (Mac or Windows)5. Install the client on the user's desktop, using the default settings
6. Run the Desktop Client, entering as the Kiteworks URL and click Sign In. 7. Enter your email at the prompt and click Next.
8. Enter your Password and click Sign in
9. Once successfully connected with the given credentials, the dialog will reflect Connected as highlighted in the screenshot.
10. Click the Sync tab:
- indicate Sync Enabled.
- Indicate Auto-sync. NOTE the Kiteworks Folder location as this is where the backups will be saved!
- Expand the Kiteworks Desktop Client Folder and select the appropriate backup folder (probably only gives one option)
- Click Sync Now
- The Downloading progress will be reflected in the footer of the dialog:
This will create a sub-folder (BioticsAB, in this example) in the Kiteworks Folder location (C:\Users\whitney_weber\Accellion\kiteworks, in this example) that will stay in sync with the backups in the Kiteworks workspace (i.e. the rolling 14 days of exported backups).
Automate publishing of nightly backups as a feature layer within ArcGIS Online, according to this solution.