Following is syntax for searching all views for a given field/column name.  In the example below, we're searching for OU_UID - make sure to replace this with the appropriate field/column name.  This will return a list of all views where containing a field/column name of OU_UID:

SELECT table_name FROM all_tab_columns where column_name like '%OU_UID' order by table_name asc

To find tables or views in your database that contain column names that contain "DATA_SENSTIVE_EO_IND" or "DATA_SENSITIVE_IND" use the following query:

SELECT table_name, column_name FROM all_tab_columns where column_name like '%DATA_SENSITIVE%' and column_name like '%IND%' AND table_name not like'%UVW%' and table_name not like '%DVW%' and table_name not like '%HVW%' and table_name not like '%ELEMENT_NATIONAL%' order by table_name asc

On the other hand, you may have a view which references a given field/column, but names it differently, in which case the query above would not find it.  The following query returns the view name and view SQL script for all views referencing a given table (ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL). This is particularly helpful if the same field name is found in multiple tables.

  1. Run the following query in Query Builder (required due to privileges) and output the results to HTML.
  2. Search (CTRL+F) the HTML results for the specific table.field (i.e. ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL.ELCODE_BCD):

select view_name, text from all_views where owner in ('BIOTICS_USER') and view_name in (select name from all_dependencies WHERE type = 'VIEW' AND referenced_owner = 'BIOTICS_USER' AND referenced_name = 'ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL')