This query selects all ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL records that have a NATIONAL origin of “exotic” in your nation, the SUBNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CONFIDENCE is “Confident,” and the SUBNATIONAL ORIGIN for your jurisdiction is either “Native” or “Unknown/Undetermined.”
ACTION: Review the results and make updates as needed to the ORIGIN value in the TAXON_SUBNATL_DIST distribution grid.
SELECT est.element_subnational_id est_id,
egt.element_global_id egt_id,
egt.elcode_bcd elcode,
name_cat.name_category_desc name_type,
sciname.scientific_name sname,
est.s_primary_common_name scomname,
DelimList('SELECT ''ORG: '' || substr(d_origin.origin_desc,1,1) ||
''; REG: '' || substr(d_reg.regularity_desc,1,1) ||
''; CNF: '' || substr(d_conf.dist_confidence_cd,1,3) ||
''; PRS: '' || substr(d_pres.curr_presence_absence_desc,1,1) || (case when
s_dist.d_population_id is not null then
''; POP: '' || substr(d_pop.population_desc,1,1) else null end)
FROM taxon_subnatl_dist s_dist, d_curr_presence_absence d_pres,
d_dist_confidence d_conf, d_origin, d_population d_pop, d_regularity d_reg
WHERE s_dist.d_curr_presence_absence_id = d_pres.d_curr_presence_absence_id (+)
and s_dist.d_dist_confidence_id = d_conf.d_dist_confidence_id (+)
and s_dist.d_origin_id = d_origin.d_origin_id (+)
and s_dist.d_population_id = d_pop.d_population_id (+)
and s_dist.d_regularity_id = d_reg.d_regularity_id (+)
and s_dist.element_subnational_id = ' || est.element_subnational_id, ' xx ') AS
FROM element_global egt,
element_national ent,
element_subnational est,
scientific_name sciname,
d_name_category name_cat,
taxon_subnatl_dist tsd,
taxon_natl_dist tnd,
WHERE est.sname_id = sciname.scientific_name_id
and sciname.d_name_category_id = name_cat.d_name_category_id
and egt.element_global_id = ent.element_global_id
and ent.element_national_id = est.element_national_id
and est.element_subnational_id = tsd.element_subnational_id
and est.subnation_id = subnation.subnation_id
and tsd.d_origin_id = d_origin.d_origin_id
and tsd.d_origin_id <> 2
and tsd.d_dist_confidence_id = 1
and ent.element_national_id = tnd.element_national_id
and (ent.element_national_id in (select tnd.element_national_id
from taxon_natl_dist tnd where tnd.d_origin_id = 2)
and ent.element_national_id not in (select tnd.element_national_id
from taxon_natl_dist tnd where tnd.d_origin_id <> 2))
and egt.inactive_ind = 'N'