Darwin Core
Modified on: Fri, 14 Apr, 2017 at 11:35 AM
Thanks to Jodi Shippee (VT) for sharing the following information:
I guess it could go without saying that how our data is used (or not) by aggregators (e.g. GBIF) is important to the discussion of observation data (and EO data).
Of interest to some may be that iDigBio has been hosting a series of webinars they call the Darwin Core Hour. Intended for collections managers but certainly pertinent to our observation data also. Part of the discussion is whether Darwin Core should recommend more controlled vocabularies, or even enforce them (though the latter will probably not be adopted).Here's a link to the discussion and the recordings:https://github.com/tdwg/dwc-qa/wiki
iDigBio also includes some recommended reading when they announce the webinars, like this announcement for the next one:https://www.idigbio.org/content/darwin-core-hour-evolution-darwin-core-terms-and-extensions-two-extant-examples-community, so if you want more background it might be worth digging back to find those in their events calendar.Just thought it might be of interest to some, especially those embarking on observation data management systems outside of Biotics.
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