Detected will be added as a single checkbox field to the Visit grid in the Source Feature record, with a default value of Yes. 

Previous feedback (Forum topics, mockup webinar, Data Backlog working group) suggests that some programs currently record negative data in Biotics. This is to notify you to review your data for any records which should have a value of 'No' in the Detected field. 

Assuming you do indeed have SFs with >1 Visits, make a list of the VISIT_IDs which will need their value changed. Create a spreadsheet with a single VISIT_ID per row, or a comma-delimited list of VISIT_IDs, to facilitate updating the values when appropriate via a single SQL statement.

Attached is guidance, developed by Karen Cieminski (MN) and Jodi Shippee (VT), for identifying data in the Visit grid which should be populated with a Detected value = 'N' and instructions on how to do so via SQL scripts.

From Florida:

Most of the time it will be that last visit (max visit date) that is the failed to find so that’s one way programs could make the change. 


In FL we have an extensible field that ranks each SF as either extant, failed to find, or extirpated.  I imagine I’ll make the change by selecting the visit with the max date for each of the failed to find/extirpated and then skimming the visit notes to make sure that they do indeed have a not found visit recorded.

Below is guidance on how to determine whether a visit should be considered Detected or not. This guidance was made by input from participants from multiple heritage programs as well as NatureServe Staff.

Detected should = Yes (checked) if there is evidence of an established population or current/recent presence of a live individual, in which you would also update the LAST OBSERVATION DATE in the EO for this visit. If there is not enough evidence to update the LAST OBSERVATION DATE, then Detected should = No (unchecked). EO SPECS can be used for guidance but Detected should be = Yes only for current/recent evidence that the population or individual is likely extant at that date in that location. Not to be used for Historical observations.

If a survey is done for a specific species and that species is not found, you may create an independent source feature and add a Visit with Detected = No (unchecked). These records will be filtered out of any products distributed by NatureServe.