This came up because Washington asked why their records are considered nonstandard. Our current standard follows Kartesz and FNA 2006 which lumped Pyrrocoma scaberula (=Haplopappus integrifolius ssp. scaberulus) into P. liatriformis. Washington (and other states) track these as distinct. Bjork and Darrach 2009 (citation below) considered them distinct as does Flora of the Pacific Northwest 2018 also. Pages attached. WA NHP prepared a report to USFWS (dated January 2020) about potential federal candidate species which places these species in the group "appear to be rare but could use additional information to better determine their status or management needs". Both species are G2.
Björk, C. R. and M. Darrach. 2009. An investigation of morphological evidence supports the resurrection of Pyrrocoma scaberula (Asteraceae: Astereae). Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 3(1): 231- 238.
Old taxa
Pyrrocoma liatriformis
New taxa
Pyrrocoma liatriformis
Pyrrocoma scaberula