WHY PERFORM THE QC:  It is much better for your ESTs to be on Standard rather than Nonstandard elements, because:

  • Nonstandard elements are NOT on Explorer
  • EOs attached to Nonstandard elements are NOT on Explorer Pro
  • Nonstandard species elements represent an older treatment (and the concept in your jurisdiction may not have actually changed)
  • For regional analyses and global and national ranking, your species EST and EOs will be counted as the standard concept with all other programs, instead of as a different concept.
  • Nonstandard ecosystem elements are not part of the International Vegetation Classification or Ecological Systems Classification.

As of January 2023, changes in Classification Status (including changes from Standard or Provisional to Nonstandard), which occur when Central implements taxonomic or classification changes, appear as Notifications in your Data Exchange Alerts Workbench. This query will find ESTs on elements that became Nonstandard before the workbench was released, or that were missed during workbench review.

WHAT THE QUERY DOES: The query finds ESTs on Nonstandard elements.


ACTION: We recognize that sometimes a program must keep an EST on a Nonstandard element, but when at all possible, reparent your EST  to the appropriate Standard element(s), or sort out your data without reparenting. See related_standards, g_classification_com, and termination_com in the query results. If you need assistance, submit a support ticket by emailing [email protected].


See also:

DX Changes to Grank, Gname, and Classification Status

DX Alerts Workbench: Alert Queries