
Viewing the survey result in edit mode (Edit Dashboard)  does not reflect the existing locational data ((i.e. Locational Uncertainty Distance, Locational Uncertainty Distance Unit, Elevation), rather it is displayed empty. In reality, the data exists and can be seen in view mode (View Dashboard) as well as in the Feature layer. 

Given that these are required fields and should not be edited, because they are calculated based on the original data location, the fact that they are displaying empty is problematic. 

The first two fields are required fields and hence are required to save the record after other edits. This is additionally problematic as the record is displayed in a QC dashboard in which only the QC fields are editable. So, the QC data cannot be saved to the record because the locational data fields are reflecting null when they actually have data.


  1. In Survey123 Connect, open the XLSform associated with the Observations survey.
  2. Navigate to the question named horiz_acc_point and change the type from calculate to decimal.
  3. Republish the survey.
This will resolve the problem with the locational certainty field and units not populating with the existing values.