Biotics 5 Development Priorities - Issues - 2017 survey

The recorded session is too large to attach to this topic, but both it and the presentation are available for download from the Biotics 5 General Webinars site



In January you were asked to complete a Roadmap survey which sought to gather feedback on priorities for roadmap epics. Roadmap epics are broad areas of development which require significant time and effort and normally span several Biotics releases. This survey is designed to gather input from you on specific priorities for ongoing Biotics development of individual issues. If you recall, the Biotics Roadmap was established to allow for three lanes of development capacity at a given time. The individual development issues for which we are requesting feedback in this survey fall under lane 3 - Ongoing Development. Planning and development tasks for all three lanes occur simultaneously so work on the ongoing development tasks identified in response to this survey will not detract from development of the epics. 


As in the past this Ongoing Development survey is broken into two sections, one for Map related features and one for non-Map features.  Each section presents a list of the top twenty priority features. Priorities were established according to the total number of helpdesk tickets associated with each development issue. The purpose of this survey is to obtain your input regarding the top set of Map and non-Map development priorities you would like to see implemented.


If you feel that a desired feature is not listed within the set of choices provided, the survey will allow you to add and rank one alternative item to both the Map and non-Map sections.  To do so, enter your ranking for the “Other” item (last one listed) and make sure to provide a description of the desired functionality within the “Other” comments line.

The results of this survey will be incorporated into existing development issues, however, unlike the previous Biotics5 survey, we will not be submitting tickets on your behalf based on the results of the survey.


Therefore, if you would like to increase the priority of an issue that you feel is especially important to your program and want to be notified when the functionality has been implemented, you must submit a ticket to the help desk. 


The easiest way to submit a ticket is to email [email protected], copy the issue as defined in the survey, and paste it into the subject area.  However please do not submit a ticket if your program has already done so for this issue. If you are not sure, just ask and we will check for you.


If any of these issues are unclear to you, please submit a help desk ticket for clarification.


To see how last year's survey results were implemented, see Implementation of 2016 Survey Results - Development Priorities of Issues.

Please limit your response to one per program. We recommend meeting with your program to discuss the priorities internally prior to responding to the survey. To facilitate this, attached is a copy of the survey. The survey will be open until Friday, March 17th.  We hope all programs will respond to the survey!

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