I was wondering if there was a way to create a working list outside of Biotics? Is there a sql statement that can be written to create a working list? I am sure there is, but could use a little help.
Yes, you can do this with good old fashioned SQL insert statements. The working lists are nothing but rows in the WORKING_LIST and its associated tables. Take a look at working list subject area in the data model and you'll see the working list structure. Depending on which document you have, it may be in the System Table section.
Every working list has a row in the WORKING_LIST table for its 'metadata'. Depending on what type of working list you are building, you will also have rows in one of the WORKING_LIST__DATA child tables. These tables are where the id's of the records that are on the working list are stored. If you are building an EO working list, you'd do something like this:
INSERT INTO working_list (working_list_id, working_list_name, working_list_type, working_list_desc,
working_list_group_id, rec_last_mod_date)
SELECT getnextseq('WORKING_LIST'),
'my EO working list',
'a working list I created outside of tracker',
from dual;
then commit;
You will need to consult the values in the SYSTEM_WORKING_LIST table and the D_WORKING_LIST_GROUP table to get the desired values for working_list_type and working_list_group_id respectively.
After creating the working list, you can get the working_list_id for it with this query:
SELECT * FROM working_list
WHERE working_list_name = 'my EO working list';
Make sure you get the right one in the right folder. You could have some with the same name in different folders, or working_list_groups.
Then you would insert the actual records for the working list like this:
INSERT INTO working_list_eo_data (working_list_id, data_id)
select ,
from dual;
Then commit;
This will put one eo on your working list.
You could also insert multiple rows in this table using a select with a subquery like this:
select ,
from eo where eo.eo_id in (put your subquery here);
Then commit;