Thanks to Rayo McCollough from the New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for providing the following instructions.
Requirements: Download and install Oracle client installed on SQL Server machine
For additional information regarding creating the connection, use this website.
Run following SQL statements in SQL Server Management Studio substituting your info where I've added "insert ...".
exec sp_addlinkedserver @server='OrclDB',
@datasrc='//insert IP address of your server/biotics.nature.serve'
exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = 'OrclDB',
@useself = 'false',
@locallogin = 'insert your SQL Server login',
@rmtuser = 'biotics_dlink',
@rmtpassword = 'insert password for biotics_dlink'
In SQL Server, refresh the Linked Server node to see OrclDB. Expand Catalogs, default, Tables and should see the same table list you can see in Oracle SQL Developer.
Syntax for connecting to the linked Oracle database in SQL is [OrclDB]..[BIOTICS_USER].[insert table or view name].