WARNING: Prior to proceeding with these instructions, make sure you want to delete all child records, including EOs and Source Features that are related to this ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL record(s). It is extremely difficult to bring these records back. Best practice is to delete EOs and Source Features from within the Map Viewer prior to running this SQL statement. This can be done very easily following these instructions: Delete Map Features, and we always highly encourage you to do delete your EOs and Source Features and all other spatial features from within the Map Viewer.

  • Get a list of the ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL_IDs that you would like to delete.
  • Log into SQL Developer, Toad, or your Oracle administration tool of choice as biotics_dlink.
  • Call the Stored Procedure: "delete_table_data" by using the following syntax: call delete_table_data('TABLE_NAME',[record id],[rec last mod user]);

In this case, for ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL, you would run: call delete_table_data('ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL', 12345, 'jdoe');

  • If you wanted to run this for multiple EST's, you could copy this query into an Excel spreadsheet and then copy down your ELEMENT_SUBNATIONAL_IDs, and then copy/paste the statement into your sql window and run the         statement in bulk.
  • Don't forget to Commit your changes when you are done: Commit;
  • Verify that your records and child records have been deleted.

That's it! You're done. 

This stored procedure can be used to delete records and child records from other tables as well, but please proceed with extreme caution when doing so, as we stated above, it is extremely difficult to bring them back.