Biotics 4 allowed users to defer spatial calculations. If the spatial attributes were not calculated for the features for which they were deferred prior to converting to Biotics 5, you may have features which still need to have their spatial attributes calculated. We urge you to recalculate these spatial attributes sooner rather than later for two reasons: 1) you could have misinformation in your database affecting query results and 2) the table in which this information is stored is obsolete in Biotics 5 and will therefore be dropped from the database in the future. Following are instructions:

  1. Determine if you have deferred spatial attributes in Biotics by running the following query in Query Builder:
    select count(location_id) from ad_defer_calc_spat_att_loc
  2. If no records are returned, there are no deferred spatial attributes and you needn't worry yourself further. If any records are returned, next determine the feature type by running the following query in Query Builder:
    select distinct(shape_type) from shape where shape_id in (select distinct(location_id) from ad_defer_calc_spat_att_loc)
  3. According to the shape types returned, run the following queries in Query Builder and save the results to a Working List:
    select eo_id from eo, shape where eo.shape_id=shape.shape_id and shape.shape_type='EO' and shape.shape_id in (select distinct(location_id) from ad_defer_calc_spat_att_loc)
    select source_feature_id from source_feature sf, shape where sf.shape_id=shape.shape_id and shape.shape_type='SOURCE' and shape.shape_id in (select distinct(location_id) from ad_defer_calc_spat_att_loc)
    select managed_area_id from ma, shape where ma.shape_id=shape.shape_id and shape.shape_type='MA' and shape.shape_id in (select distinct(location_id) from ad_defer_calc_spat_att_loc)
    select conservation_site_id from conservation_site site, shape where site.shape_id=shape.shape_id and shape.shape_type='SITE' and shape.shape_id in (select distinct(location_id) from ad_defer_calc_spat_att_loc)
  4. Open the saved Working List(s) and Recalculate Spatial Attributes.
  5. Because the AD_DEFER_CALC_SPAT_ATT_LOC table is not used in Biotics 5, as it was in Biotics 4, recalculating the spatial attributes will not affect the data in this table. So, if you want to remove the data from that table just so you know that it has been done, you can do so with the following statement, run in SQLPlus, Tora, Toad... while logged in as the biotics_dlink user.