Spatial attributes which were previously calculated but are no longer configured to be calculated within Spatial Calculation Attributes remain within the SPATIAL_ATTRIBUTES table and are marked as 'historical'. To determine which attributes are historical for Conservation Sites, run the following query:

select distinct (a.attribute_name) from spatial_attribute a join shape s on a.feature_id=s.shape_id join conservation_site cs on s.shape_id=cs.shape_id where not exists (select * from ad_calc_spat_att def where upper(def.attribute_name) = upper(a.attribute_name) and def.feature_code=1006) and upper(a.attribute_name) not in ('LONGITUDE_DD', 'LATITUDE_DD', 'LONGITUDE_DMS', 'LATITUDE_DMS', 'UTM_EASTING', 'UTM_NORTHING', 'UTM_ZONE');

The final clause reflect the 7 attributes calculated and stored for CENTROID.

Replace the red bolded data in the query above with the appropriate information to determine the historical attributes for:

  • Managed Areas: feature_code=1005
  • Source Feature Points: feature_code=1007
  • Source Feature Line: feature_code=1008
  • Source Feature Polygon: feature_code=1009
  • Element Occurrences: feature_code=1010

To remove these attributes, run the following query to delete all historical spatial attributes for Conservation Sites:

delete spatial_attribute where feature_id in (select shape_id from conservation_site) and attribute_name in(select distinct (a.attribute_name) from spatial_attribute a join shape s on a.feature_id=s.shape_id join conservation_site cs on s.shape_id=cs.shape_id where not exists (select * from ad_calc_spat_att def where upper(def.attribute_name) = upper(a.attribute_name) and def.feature_code=1006) and upper(a.attribute_name) not in ('LONGITUDE_DD', 'LATITUDE_DD', 'LONGITUDE_DMS', 'LATITUDE_DMS', 'UTM_EASTING', 'UTM_NORTHING', 'UTM_ZONE'));  

To do so for the other feature types, replace the pertinent red, bolded data .