Is there a way to "bulk" change the Locational Uncertainty Distance for multiple Source Features (e.g. 647) without manually doing so via Modify Mapping Attributes 647 times?
Neither Locational Uncertainty Type nor any of the fields within the Create Source Feature dialog should be changed via SQL because they affect the mapped feature and updating the values via SQL will not cause the mapped feature to be regenerated.
Following are instructions for achieving the desired result, assuming that all the Source Features to update are point spatial features with Estimated Locational Uncertainty Type, Should you have polygons or line features which need to be altered instead/as well, the attached query would need to be altered accordingly. If data is to be altered for many feature types (e.g., points and polygons and/or lines) then it would be more efficient to put them all in a geodatabase for using with the Bulk Replace too.
- Create a Working List containing the Source Features to alter
- Go to the Working List page and note the Working List ID
- Edit the attached query to replace XXXX with the appropriate Working List ID on the last line of the query
- Run the attached query in Query Builder and export the result to a Shapefile
- Download the shapefile and unzip it
- In ArcMap, edit the shapefile to change the Locational Uncertainty Distance as desired.
- Stop editing, choosing to Save Edits
- Rename the shapefile to sf_point (as required by the Bulk Replace tool).
- Close ArcMap and zip the shapefile.
- Bulk Replace using the zipped sf_point shapefile.
Bulk Replace will regenerate the Source Feature shape and any EO with which it is associated.