As of January 2023, changes in Grank, Gname, and Classification Status that come in through data exchange appear as Notifications in your Data Exchange Alerts Workbench (if you have an EST for the element). These queries can be used to find changes that came before the workbench was released, or that were missed during workbench review.


Queries attached:

  • Grank changes
  • Gname changes
  • Classification status changes


All queries are based on the audit log so may be slow to run.


Modifying the queries by date:

By default the queries run with no date specifications, so they’ll show changes for as far as your audit log goes back. But often you’ll want to run the queries for changes during a specified date range. There are several options commented out in the WHERE clause. Uncomment a line (by removing the “--” in front) to include those criteria (plus edit the date or DX ID, shown below in bold).


--since specified DATE:

  and audit_date > to_date('2022-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')


--since specified DX ID (subtract 1 minute from DX date):

   and audit_date > (select rec_begin_date-1/1440 from data_exchange where data_exchange_id=1117)


--between specified DATES*:

  and audit_date between to_date('2022-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD') and to_date('2023-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')


*CAUTION: If you don’t show changes up until the present time, the changes you see may have been subsequently changed again, so the change may not have been to the “CURRENT” value.


Another way to modify the Classification Change query:

Uncomment the “and eg.d_classification_status_id = 2” line to only include elements that are CURRENTLY NONSTANDARD.


--only include elements that are CURRENTLY NONSTANDARD:

  and eg.d_classification_status_id = 2


See also:

QC ESTs on Nonstandard Elements

DX Alerts Workbench: Alert Queries