Last Updated 5/1/2024

Software, Information, and Support Services Fee Categories

FY 2025

July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

FY 2026

July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026

FY 2027

Basic Services (includes Tracker) *




Information & Support plus Standard Biotics




Information & Support plus

High Usage Biotics**





*This category is available to non-Biotics programs and includes Biotics Tracker software to ensure cost effective data exchanges between NatureServe and all programs. 

**High Usage Biotics is a higher priced tier of software service available for programs with larger storage and/or 24x7 service availability requirements.

Fee Structure for FY 2025 – FY 2026

NatureServe is announcing a new Software, Information, and Support Services fee structure to take effect July 2024. The table above details pricing for the next two fiscal years, FY 2025 (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025) and FY 2026 (July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026). NatureServe will publish the fee schedule for FY 2027 and subsequent years by June 2025, after we know updated costs for hosting Biotics on AWS.

As with Membership Dues, NatureServe offers different levels of pricing and benefits for Software, Information, and Support Services and expects that all network member programs will contribute for basic information and support services plus Biotics software according to their usage level.

Description of Software, Information, and Support Services Provided

NatureServe provides information and support services to all network member programs. These services include: maintaining species taxonomy and ecosystem classification; assessment and maintenance of global conservation status ranks; development and maintenance of network standards – including: conservation status ranking, species and habitat climate change vulnerability assessment, element occurrences, species habitat modeling, and range mapping; ecology mapping products such as the National Vegetation Classification / International Vegetation Classification mapping; network leadership and coordination; NatureServe Explorer & Explorer Pro websites and APIs. Biotics software as a service provides member programs with a common platform that supports the consistent application of shared network data standards. Using Biotics also provides the benefit of automating the ongoing data exchange process, which drastically reduces the cost and effort for NatureServe and member programs.