1. We use the rank calculator a ton and have had funding from federal partners to rank hundreds of species using this methodology. People are happy with it so we will continue to use it.
2. Agree
3. Agree. Maybe have a tool tip for the Dynamically Calculated Rank that explains that it is solely based on data entered into ESR fields used by the rank calculator, to help explain why the dynamic value might be vastly different from the calculated value for programs that haven't populated the ESR records.
4. Not too confusing, as long as they are visually separated and defined w tool tips/help doc. I think the design you have proposed works well.
5. Given that threats have such a big impact on the Rank Calculator outcome, I'm glad to hear that the threat calculator is in the works for Biotics. We haven't used it a ton in the Excel calculator but I would like to see the threats better documented and being in Biotics should help. Seems fine to have a button to calculate the overall threat.
Other comments: Do we really need the "Store as calculated rank" button - it is not difficult to copy and paste the Dynamically Calculated Rank into the Calculated Rank box or type in.
I agree it makes more sense to edit the Assigned Rank in the ESR rather than the EST, and have it as display only in the EST. That could encourage users to document why they set the rank in the ESR, even if it's just a comment in the Assigned Rank Reason, that is really helpful information.
Pop-up window when Dynamically Calculated Rank has changed: I think this will be too distracting, as you are often changing multiple factors when reviewing the rank. And I agree with Jasa's comment that it could cause some user bias.
Icon for fields used in rank calculator: I like having it visually shown to users which fields are used for the rank calculator. I'm not sure an icon/tool tip is necessary, a label on the box title might be sufficient: "Range Extent (used in rank calculator)".
North Carolina:
1. Yes, we use it regularly.
2. Automatic calculation is fine, but shouldn't overwrite the assigned rank or other fields. That includes that is should not overwrite the rank methodology used field (you might be using a different methodology and not want to lose that record every time you change a rank factor and get automatically recalculated).
3. Date Calculated is helpful, distinct from a rank change or rank review date.
4. The 3 rank fields make sense, but suggest that the field "Calculated" be named something a bit more descriptive, maybe "Calculated Rank Reviewed".
5. Button calculation sounds fine, but we are curious what the individual threats grids will look like. Also, we wonder why the conclusion is different for threat calculator is different from the overall rank, why not do this dynamically too? We would like to see the mockup as it's developed.
South Carolina:
1 - We are infrequent users - historically biologists have used an in-house developed rank criteria when assigning rank which is very similar to the Rank Calculator, but we are hoping to run through a few species to compare and likely transition to the rank calculator.
2 - We agree.
3 - Date calculated is probably appropriate as long as it is clearly differentiated from Date reviewed.
4 - This does seem confusing, but without regular experience with the rank calculator i would be unsure of how to improve. Maybe if there was a definition of Dynamic Calculation explicitly written near the field it would help? Or renaming the field to something like 'Draft Calculation'?
5 - We agree with Arizona's comments.
1. Infrequent users, but plant to use the calculator more in the near future. Having the calculator built-in would be very convenient.
2. Don't mind the automatic calculation.
3. Like the Date Calculated field - it would be helpful to see the Calculated Date and the Assigned Change/Review dates in the same place. As a side note - similar to Arizona's comment - some staff were wondering if it would be more logical to be able to edit the Assigned Rank and Assigned Change/Review dates in the ESR instead of the EST (have the summary in the EST).
4. Like the dynamic rank calculation as an 'on the fly' look at how a change in a rank factor affects the rank, but wonder if the dynamic rank value popping us as you score metrics could end up biasing the ranking process.
5. The threat matrix could be streamlined and still be useful. This would make threat calculation simpler.
1. We regularly use the rank calculator. The standardization it provides was a important selling point in a recent contract to rank some of our SGCN. Staff who had been turned off by previous versions or didn't like the idea at all now see the benefit.
2. Auto calc preferred
3. I like the date calculated field, it's good to have to catch cases where people just go in an change one factor based on new research without reviewing all factors.
4. As long as the primary calculation is still supposed to happen in the Excel calculator, I think its good to separate the auto-calculated rank from the calculated rank which informs the current official (assigned) rank.
5. This seems like it would be fairly simple to implement. For threats I would like to see auto roll-up of non Level 1 threats to Level 1 since these are what the calculator uses. A button to trigger calculation of overall threat makes sense.
South Dakota
1. We began using the rank calculator about a year ago and plan on continuing its use.
2. Automated rank calculation would be preferred.
3. Date calculated field would not be that helpful for our use.
4. This is confusing. There should just be one calculated rank and another assigned rank field.
5. No opinion. We currently do not incorporate the threats calculator in our rank calculator.
1) We regularly use the rank calculator and have been patiently waiting for its inclusion into Biotics.
2) Dynamic calculation is a bit confusing, especially since we are more concerned with Assigned and Calculated Ranks.
3) On that note, I am unsure why Assigned Rank, along with Rank Change Date and Rank Review Date are not changeable and instead are in a summary box. For the states, we are more concerned with Assigned Rank anyhow and would be working with those fields more.
4) As for the Date Calculated field, it should be there next to Calculated Rank.
5) Although some of the sections that go into building the rank may be hard to fill in for some species, depending on what is known (especially for those states that share borders and flora/fauna with other countries as Arizona does), I feel they are all important if they can contribute to a solid defense of the rank.
1. We do use the rank calculator and have been trying to encourage its regular use
2. Automatic calculation would be the better option
3. Don't mind the Date Calculated, just have it separated and clearly marked
4. Don't quite know what is meant by Dynamically Calculated Rank. That would be confusing, would just want the Calculated Rank.
5. Button calculation for the Threats, my thoughts for the Threats is that it is a lot of work to use it for only changes on the margins of getting a rank.
Kansas doesn't use the rank calculator and we don't envision using it in the future.
Shelley Cooke
Display calculated rank status in Biotics
In the Biotics development roadmap, most of you agreed that it would be useful to implement certain aspects of rank automation prior to the much larger task of fully implementing the rank calculator in Biotics. These are specified in the "Rank Calculator: Import and Calculation" epic circled in the section of the roadmap below. Note that the "Rank Calculator: Full Implementation" epic is later, at the bottom left in orange.
We are now preparing to implement the "Rank Calculator: Import and Calculation" epic, and we need your feedback on the "Calculation" piece. This is simply a calculation of rank based on the rank factor fields in Biotics. The same rank calculation logic that is in the rank calculator will be used, but no other functionality of the rank calculator will be replicated at this time.
The wireframes below show the proposed implementation in the Biotics User Interface at all three levels (in the Element G/N/S Ranking table). Please let us know what you think, and also answer these specific questions:
NOTE: this implementation does NOT replace the current workflow that is used with Excel Rank Calculator; rather, it provides an alternate work flow that can be used alone or in conjunction with the Excel Rank Calculator.