Attempting to Modify Shape or update a Source Feature results in an error similart
In Biotics 4, an invalid Location Use Class (LUC) was defined for the element. Biotics 4 relied on users to look up the EO Specs and provided the entire realm of possible Location Use Class values within the dropdown list. Biotics 5 facilitates this process by linking directly to the EO Specs and populates the dropdown with the valid options for the given element/element group. The error indicates a valid LUC value must be selected before the shape itself can be modified. Once that is done, the shape can be modified successfully.
Within the Details dialog of the Source Feature, from the Tasks menu, select Modify Mapping Attributes and select a valid Location Use Class from the dropdown list.
If multiple records require the Location Use Class to be changed, see the Bulk Replace SFs with invalid LUC values solution.