If you accidentally delete a Managed Area, you can recover your data from the deleted schema and insert it back into the source schema.
The attached zip file contains TWO documents:
1. Instructions for performing the restore.
2. A script which is used during a step in the instructions to restore the tabular data from the deleted schema to the source schema. This script does not include any extensible tables - this data will have been permanently lost unless you have created equivalent tables within the deleted schema to accommodate this data, as well as the necessary triggers to populate those tables.
The attached instructions assume the following scenario:
You have deleted the Managed Area from the Map.
The procedures are designed to restore one MA at a time. Make sure to read through the instructions carefully before executing, and we also recommend reading through the script to make sure that you understand the steps that are run with the script.
If for some reason, your spatial features still exist or if the MA had no associated spatial feature, Part 2 of the document would not apply and should be skipped.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please see Solution Procedure to remove data from deleted schema which have been restored to the regular schema to delete the restored MA data from the deleted schema after you have recovered it. This is important because during data exchange NatureServe receives both your deleted are "live" records. The deleted MA may block import of the "real" MA into Exchanger and thus lead us to believe that the record should be deleted in Central Biotics.
Recover a deleted Managed Area Print
Modified on: Thu, 2 Aug, 2018 at 1:53 PM
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